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German Industry Responds (after August 1914)

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We want to advise and instruct industry by publishing regular bulletins concerning laws, regulations, and official decrees that are issued in wartime, and to support industry by providing information about administrative and legal questions that arise in connection with the war.

We want to focus the power of industry in order to promote general national aims and to keep ourselves ready for all further tasks that industry will face in these serious times.

The War Committee of German Industry has immediately begun its activity. The Central Association of German Industrialists and the League of Industrialists have placed their entire organizations and facilities at the disposal of the War Committee.

We are requesting all industrialists to make use of the services of this “War Committee” – but also to support it to the extent possible in every area. We are hoping especially for the participation of regional and professional trade associations, which is essential if the goals that we have set are to be achieved and realized. We are certain that we can count on your assistance.

The business office of the “War Committee” is located at Berlin W9, Linksstr. 25 III.


Source: Aufruf an die deutsche Industrie, nach August 1914 [Appeal to German Industry, after August 1914], in Der Kriegsausschuß der deutschen Industrie. Seine Entstehung und seine Aufgaben: Vorläufiger Bericht der Geschäftsführung [The War Committee of German Industry: Its Development and its Functions. Preliminary Report by the Executive Leadership]. Berlin, no date, pp. 3-4.

Reprinted in Ulrich Cartarius, Deutschland im Ersten Weltkrieg: Texte und Dokumente [Germany in the First World War: Texts and Documents]. Munich, 1982, pp. 57-58.

Translation: Jeffrey Verhey and Roger Chickering

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