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11.   Election Event Sponsored by the "Alliance for Germany" in Leipzig (March 1990)
This photograph was taken at an "Alliance for Germany" election event held in the run-up to East German Volkskammer elections on March 18, 1990. Chancellor Helmut....
Election Event Sponsored by the "Alliance for Germany" in Leipzig (March 1990)
12.   Helmut Kohl at an Election Event Sponsored by the "Alliance for Germany" in Leipzig (March 1990)
Chancellor Helmut Kohl was the main speaker at an event sponsored by the "Alliance for Germany" in the lead-up to the East German Volkskammer elections.....
Helmut Kohl at an Election Event Sponsored by the
13.   The Last "Monday Demonstration" in Leipzig (March 12, 1990)
A participant in the "Monday demonstration" in Leipzig on March 12, 1990 (the last Monday demonstration for the duration) holds a sign that reads: “Even after the last demonstration – We are the....
The Last "Monday Demonstration" in Leipzig (March 12, 1990)
14.   Volkskammer Elections: Rainer Eppelmann casts his Ballot at a Polling Station in East Berlin (March 18, 1990)
The politically active priest and civil rights activist Rainer Eppelmann was one of the founders of the Democratic Awakening (DA) party in 1989. At first, he....
<I>Volkskammer</i> Elections: Rainer Eppelmann casts his Ballot at a Polling Station in East Berlin (March 18, 1990)
15.   Lothar de Maizière and Rainer Eppelmann Arrive in Bonn after the Volkskammer Elections (March 21, 1990)
To the surprise of all, on March 18, 1990, the “Alliance for Germany,” which was composed of the CDU (East), the German Social Union (DSU), and Democratic Awakening (DA), won....
Lothar de Maizière and Rainer Eppelmann Arrive in Bonn after the <I>Volkskammer</i> Elections (March 21, 1990)
16.   "Sell Out" of the East – West German Antiques Dealer in Bad Kösen (March 1990)
After the fall of the Wall, many West Germans sensed good business opportunites in the East, which was at an economic disadvantage. For example, more and more antiques dealers surfaced in the East;....
17.   East-West German Banknotes (1990)
East-West German banknotes before the currency union. Photo: Manfred Uhlenhut.
East-West German Banknotes (1990)
18.   GDR Citizens Protest the Proposed Currency Exchange Rate of 2:1 (April 5, 1990)
On April 5, 1990, about 100,000 East German citizens gathered in front of the Palace of the Republic in East Berlin. They came out to protest the German Central Bank Council’s proposal to exchange....
GDR Citizens Protest the Proposed Currency Exchange Rate of 2:1 (April 5, 1990)
19.   Removal of Barriers at the Border (May 1990)
Fencing and barbed wire are removed from the inner-German border in Treffurt (Thuringia). Photo: Günter Zint.
Removal of Barriers at the Border (May 1990)
20.   Caricature: State Treaty between the FRG and the GDR (1990)
This caricature comments on the signing of the State Treaty on May 18, 1990. Federal Chancellor....
Caricature: State Treaty between the FRG and the GDR (1990)
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