Princess Louise Henriette of Orange as the Goddess Diana (1643)
Princess Louise Henriette of Orange (1627-67), the daughter of Dutch stadtholder Frederick Henry of Orange, is shown here, at age sixteen, as Diana, the Greek goddess of hunting. Three years later,....
Frederick William ("the Great Elector") as Scipio (c. 1660)
Fredrick William (the “Great Elector”) commissioned numerous portraits of himself during the forty-eight....
The Apotheosis of Frederick William ("the Great Elector") (1682)
The apotheosis, or transformation, of rulers into gods or demigods dates at least back to ancient Greece. The Baroque era saw the revival of this pre-Christian practice. In this painting, a stern-looking....
Prussia is proclaimed a Kingdom on January 18, 1701 (1712)
Frederick III (r. 1688-1713), the son of Frederick William (the “Great Elector”), was in many ways the opposite of his father, who, after the devastations of the Thirty Years War, had pursued a determined....
Sophie Charlotte, Queen of Prussia (1705)
Sophie Charlotte (1668-1705), the daughter of Duke Ernst August of Braunschweig-Lüneburg (r. 1679-98), was the second wife of Elector Frederick III of Brandenburg (who eventually ruled as King Frederick....
Smoking Party at the Court of Frederick I in the Palace in Berlin (c. 1710)
Most likely originating in the Netherlands, smoking parties [Tabagien] had become part of European court culture by the seventeenth century. This painting depicts one such gathering held during....
August II ("the Strong") of Poland with Frederick William I ("the Soldier King") in 1728 (c. 1730)
During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the German territorial princes endeavored to strengthen their principalities by taking advantage of the chaos caused by the Thirty Years War, the....
August II ("the Strong") of Poland is Received at the Palace in Berlin (1728)
This painting by Prussian court painter Antoine Pesne (1683-1757), shows August II (“the Strong”) of Poland being received at the Berlin Palace by Frederick William I (“the Solider King”) and his....
Frederick William I, Prussia's "Soldier King" (1729)
By the time Frederick William I (r. 1713-40) acceded to the throne in 1713 he had already gained considerable influence on Prussian politics, having reordered the country’s finances and removed factionalized....
Prince Heinrich and Prince Ferdinand at a so-called Tobacco Parliament [Tabakskollegium] c. 1736 (c. 1738-39)
The all-male tobacco parliaments [Tabakskollegien] of Frederick William I (r. 1713-40) had little in common with the convivial smoking....