Helmut Kohl (1973)
The Minister President of Rhineland-Palatinate, Helmut Kohl, was elected National Chairman of the CDU in 1973. In the 1976 Bundestag elections, he was the CDU's....
"Dropping the Pilot" (September 20, 1982)
This September 20, 1982, cover page of Der Spiegel, which depicts Chancellor Helmut Schmidt as the “pilot” leaving the ship, refers to John Tenniel’s famous....
Constructive Vote of No Confidence in the Bundestag (October 1, 1982)
With the vote of no confidence on October 1, 1982, Helmut Schmidt’s tenure as Federal Chancellor ended, and CDU party chairman and fraction leader Helmut....
CDU Poster for Bundestag Elections: "Upwards with Germany" (1983)
The FDP had entered the 1980 federal elections with a coalition pledge to the SPD, and a considerable number of FDP members were opposed to forming a coalition with the CDU. Newly elected CDU Chancellor....
Otto Graf Lambsdorff before the Flick Investigatory Committee (February 2, 1984)
The Bundestag's Flick Investigatory Committee (1983-85) looked into corruption charges leveled against federal politicians. In 1975, the Flick Company had applied for a tax exemption for a large....
Meeting of the Transportation Ministers of the GDR and the Federal Republic in Bonn (July 9, 1984)
On July 9, 1984, East German Minister of Transportation Otto Arndt visited Bonn, where he met with Werner Dollinger, his....
Günter Mittag and Franz Josef Strauß in Bonn (April 6, 1984)
Bavarian Minister President and CSU Chairman Franz Josef Strauß, who had a history of voicing harsh and frequent criticism of the Deutschlandpolitik of....
Ernst Breit and Harry Tisch in Düsseldorf (1985)
Under the leadership of Chairman Ernst Breit, a delegation from the Confederation of German Trade Unions [Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund or DGB] visited....
A Green Party Delegation in the GDR (September 1986)
In addition to their official contact with the SED leadership, the Green Party also maintained close relations with dissidents in the East German peace and environmental movements. On April 12, 1983,....
State Visit by Erich Honecker (September 7-11, 1987)
During his visit to the GDR in December 1981, Chancellor Helmut Schmidt....