Christian Ludwig Bokelmann, People’s Bank Shortly Before the Crash [Volksbank kurz vor dem Krach] (1877)
This painting by Christian Ludwig Bokelmann (1844-1894) captures the scene on May 9, 1873, outside the People’s Bank [Volksbank] in Vienna, where burghers holding savings accounts gathered....
Krupp Smokestacks in Essen (1867)
As seen in this 1867 photograph, smoke emanating from the gigantic smokestacks of the Krupp....
The Burbach Smelting Works near Saarbrücken (1876)
The impact of air pollution on a modern, industrial scale becomes alarmingly clear in this....
200-Meter Smokestack at the Halsbrücker Smelting Works Near Freiberg (1889)
This enormous chimney stack (“Hohe Esse”) was built in 1889 to pump smoke higher into the atmosphere – and thus slightly farther away from local residents, who were making claims about the harmful....
Disastrous Flooding in Dresden (1890)
The waterway otherwise known as Friedrichstraße in Dresden is pictured in this photograph taken during the catastrophic flooding of the Elbe River in 1890. Because of the city’s Baroque riches and....