Occupational Counseling in Heidelberg (1978)
After passage of the Law for the Promotion of Employment Measures (Arbeitsförderungsgesetz or AFG) of June 25, 1969, the Federal Institute for Employment expanded occupational counseling....
First-Graders at a School in East Berlin (1979)
The Pioneer Organization “Ernst Thälmann” (named after the former head of Germany’s Communist Party [KPD] who was murdered by the Nazis) included children between the ages of 6 and 13. Pioneers in....
Vocational School in the Ruhr Valley (1979)
In a 1964 report on vocational training in the Federal Republic, the “German Committee on the Educational System” coined the term “dual system” to describe a type of education that took place both....
On-Site Technical Training - I (c. 1980)
Following the example of the Soviet Union, the education system in the GDR “went polytechnic” starting in mid-1950s. The goal of this change was to introduce students to industrial work. On September....
Building Renovation Work on Muskauer Straße, West Berlin (1980)
At the end of the 1970s, the project “Education-Works Kreuzberg” was initiated in Kreuzberg, a West Berlin neighborhood with a high rate of social problems. The project gave unemployed youths the....
Fashion Show at the College of Art in Berlin/Weißensee (1985)
In 1981, Artur Winter, the deputy director of “Exquisit,” a nationally-owned enterprise that produced and imported the high-quality textiles sold in stores of the same name, was appointed head of....
Education Center at the AEG Firm, West Berlin (1986)
The establishment of continuing education centers at firms in large-scale industries afforded apprentices the opportunity to acquire vocational training of exceptionally high quality. AEG established....
On-Site Technical Training - II (March 1987)
Between 1960 and 1966, the GDR government used “basic occupational training” to prepare secondary-school students for occupations as early as possible – with the goal being to steer youngsters into....
Civics Lesson in East Berlin (1988)
In the GDR, civics lessons sought to convey information about the structure of the state, the rights and obligations of GDR citizens, and the ideology....
Frankfurt Students Protest Exorbitant Rents (December 1988)
Student enrollment numbers in the Federal Republic continued to rise dramatically in the 1970s and 1980s, but faculty numbers increased only slightly (see statistics).....