Border at Hirschberg an der Saale (1964)
The GDR began tightening up the inner-German border as early as 1952. In the process, numerous....
Border Crossing (1965)
The checkpoint Helmstedt-Marienborn in Lower Saxony was the largest and most important crossing point along the inner-German border. Because of its proximity to West Berlin, it handled the lion’s....
Visitor from West Berlin (1966)
Immediately after the construction of the Berlin Wall, West Berliners were entirely prohibited from visiting relatives in the Eastern section of the city. As the decade wore on, various permit....
Border in Thuringia (1971)
After the GDR began to close off the inner-German border in the 1950s, an elaborate system of border controls was constructed and brought to deadly perfection in the 1960s. Control....
Patrolling the Inner-German Border (1971)
The GDR border troops were part of the National People’s Army (Nationale Volksarmee, NVA) and were about 40,000 strong. Most of these soldiers were stationed along the inner-German border.....
The Berlin Wall at Heidelberger Straße in the District of Neukölln (1981)
In the 1970s, the unchanging status quo led many West Berliners to become accustomed to the Wall, and they simply began to co-exist with it, as can be seen in this photograph of the Wall at Heidelberger....
Willi Stoph and Erich Honecker (May 1, 1984)
Leading SED politicians viewed the traditional May Day parade in East Berlin from a raised platform....
"Overcoming the Wall by Painting It" (October 23, 1986)
Beginning in 1976, the Wall was refurbished with prefabricated cement panels that went by the product name “Border Wall 75.” The gigantic, continuous cement surface that resulted from this project....