Pope and Emperor, Lords of Christendom (1493)
This woodcut has both a symbolic and a familiar reference. It shows the Holy Roman emperor and the pope as the co-rulers of Christendom, and it gives them the faces of Emperor Frederick III (r. 1440-93)....
The Holy Roman Emperor and the Imperial Electors (1493)
This woodcut was published in Liber Chronicarum, one of the best-known printed books of the era. It shows the Holy Roman emperor among the four temporal....
The Imperial Eagle and the Imperial Estates (1510)
In this woodcut, the oldest and most popular representation of the Holy Roman Empire, the coats-of-arms of the Imperial estates (both spiritual and temporal) are arranged in the form of the Imperial....
Emperor Maximilian I (c. 1519)
Maximilian I (b. 1459, r. 1486/93-1519) reigned over the Holy Roman Empire during the age of political reform, which began at the Diet of Worms in 1495. Woodcut by Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528), c.....
The Imperial Diet [Reichstag] in Session on September 13, 1640 (17th Century)
The image below shows the Imperial Diet [Reichstag] in plenary session. The emperor and the electors sit on a dais at the front of the room. The princes stand before them, and the lesser estates....
Allegory of the Imperial Estates (c. 1650)
The etching below shows the pope at the top of a multi-tiered throne. The king and the secular estates appear on the right, and the emperor and the ecclesiastical estates appear on the left. Copper....
The Imperial Diet [Reichstag] – Organization (1521)
This schematic representation of the Imperial Diet [Reichstag] in 1521 shows the structure and authority of the various chambers as they had formed during the previous half-century and would....