First All-German CDU Party Conference (October 2, 1990)
The organizations of the East-CDU joined the West German CDU at the CDU’s 38th Federal Party Conference in Hamburg (October 1-2, 1990). The meeting thus doubled as the 1st All-German CDU Party Conference.....
The First Group of Soldiers from the East German National People's Army is Sworn into the Bundeswehr (October 19, 1990)
As agreed on in an appendix to the Unification Treaty, the soldiers of the former National People’s....
Meeting of the Minister Presidents of the New Länder (Februar 25, 1991)
In February 1991, the minister presidents of the five new federal states [Länder] met with the governing mayor of Berlin to coordinate their positions in advance of a conference where they....
The Renaming of Streets (September 1991)
In the GDR, streets and squares were often dedicated to ideological catchphrases such as “German-Soviet Friendship” and to socialist figureheads, especially Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, and Lenin.....
Protest against the Demolition of the Lenin Monument in Berlin (November 6, 1991)
On April 19, 1970, three days before Lenin’s 100th birthday, a 19-meter-high statue of Lenin was unveiled on Lenin Square in Berlin-Friedrichshain. The statue was made of red Ukrainian granite and....
Demolition of the Lenin Memorial in Berlin (November 13, 1991)
After the Lenin statue on Berlin’s Lenin Square was removed from the list of protected monuments,....
Administrative Assistance between Rhineland-Palatinate and Thuringia (April 11, 1995)
On May 17, 1990, the GDR Volkskammer passed a new communal constitution that provided for the introduction of communal self-administration in place of the existing central administration.....
The First German Online Store is Founded in the East German City of Jena (September 21, 1995)
In 1992, Jena physics student Stephan Schambach, together with his colleague Karsten Schneider and Hamburg software entrepreneur Wilfried Beeck, founded NetConsult Computer Systems, Ltd., Jena.....
East German Ampelmännchen
In 1961, the GDR Ministry of Transportation commissioned traffic psychologist Karl Peglau to design new pedestrian stop-and-go lights. After many years of professional, technical, and government....
Demonstration by the Confederation of German Trade Unions (May 1, 1996)
The Confederation of German Trade Unions [Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund or DGB] used May Day 1996 as an occasion to call for protests against unemployment and cuts in the social system. The....