Images - Germany at War, 1914-1918: Seeking an End to War
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Chancellor Theobald von Bethmann Hollweg (1909)
Although Theobald von Bethmann Hollweg (1856-1921) had neither diplomatic nor military training, he was appointed chancellor in July 1909, after the fall of Bernhard....
Disabled Veterans Do Calisthenics (c. 1917)
The medical report of the German Army estimated the number of soldiers “crippled” in the war – that is to say, badly injured with arm or leg amputations or severe hearing, vision, or mental impairments....
The Historian, Politician, and Peace Activist Ludwig Quidde (undated)
The historian, politician, and peace activist Ludwig Quidde (1858-1941) was already a harsh critic of German militarism in general and the German Kaiser in particular in the 1890s. In 1894, he published....
War Refugees in Russia (1917)
During the First World War, hundreds of thousands of people had to flee their homelands before enemy troops. Belgians, Poles, the Baltic States, White Russia, and Serbia suffered in particular. By....
The "Peace Dove" of the Entente (January 1917)
On January 22, 1917, American president Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924) gave a speech before the Senate in which he proposed a “peace without victory” under American auspices. According to the proposal,....
The Ceasefire on the Eastern Front (1917)
With their overthrow of the old regime, the Bolsheviks offered a war-weary Russian populace the prospect of an immediate end to hostilities. As early as November 8, 1917, the second Congress of Soviets....
German-Russian Negotiations in Brest-Litovsk (December 1917)
After the failure of the first round of negotiations between the Bolsheviks and the Central Powers, Leon Trotsky (1879-1940) assumed the directorship of the Soviet Russian delegation on January 9,....
Expired: Germany’s Peace Offer, Kladderadatsch (December 1917)
On December 12, 1916, the Central Powers issued the Allies a proposal on starting negotiations to end the war. The proposal, however, contained no concrete conditions for peace. On December 20, President....
Reich Chancellor Max von Baden (1918)
On October 3, 1918, Prince Max von Baden (1867-1929), heir to the throne in the Grand Duchy of Baden and chairman of its First Chamber since 1907, was appointed Reich Chancellor and successor to....
Supplement to the Leipzig Court Journal: "Armistice Accepted" (8. November 1918)
On September 29, 1918, after the failed spring offensive of 1918, the Supreme Army Command called for the conclusion of a ceasefire. On October 3, 1918, the German government sent a request to President....
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