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The "Michaelshoven" Occupational Promotion Agency in Rodenkirchen near Cologne: Training Electronics Technicians (1976)

Starting in 1970, after the government of the Federal Republic had put forth a comprehensive action plan, subsidies for professional training for the disabled were increased considerably, and the Federal Ministry for Labor and Social Affairs planned a country-wide network of occupational training centers (with openings for 6,000 students) and occupational promotion agencies (with openings for 11,000 students). Occupational training centers were established to provide disabled youth with their first course of training, whereas occupational promotion agencies focused on retraining disabled adults and giving them an opportunity to acquire new qualifications. This photograph features a man training to become an electronics technician at the “Michaelshoven” Occupational Training Center in Rodenkirchen near Cologne.

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The "Michaelshoven" Occupational Promotion Agency in Rodenkirchen near Cologne: Training Electronics Technicians (1976)

Courtesy of the German Information Center