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Ballot for the Church Elections in Berlin (July 23, 1933)

The German Christians [Deutsche Christen] won the July 23, 1933, church elections with a clear two-thirds majority. Their victory over the Gospel and Church group [Evangelium und Kirche] meant that representatives of the German Christian movement would hold the most important offices of the newly formed, centralized German Protestant Church [Deutsche Evangelische Kirche (DEK) or Reich Church]. Although the German Christians registered convincing wins in almost all of the places where church elections were held, there were important exceptions, namely Berlin-Dahlem and Barmen-Gemarke. Both of these congregations went on to become hubs of the so-called Confessing Church [Bekennende Kirche or BK]. Below is a ballot from the church elections in Berlin. This voter supported the Gospel and Church party.

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Ballot for the Church Elections in Berlin (July 23, 1933)

© Bildarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz