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Augustiner Brewery, Munich (c. 1910)

Breweries were common locales for socializing, especially in Bavaria. Accommodating hundreds of guests, they were prototypical experiments in mass gastronomy, and their appeal transcended class barriers. Here we see customers lining up to order beer by the Maß – i.e., in large 1-liter mugs. Note that the Kellnerin [waitress] to the far left is carrying eight of these mugs to a table; each mug weighed over a kilogram (2.2 pounds), but this was a common feat in these locales. The Augustiner brewery’s summer beer is advertised on the sign above the filling window. Another sign to the right of it reminds customers to make sure their mugs are completely full when picked up: “Mugs not completely full should be topped off immediately.”

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Augustiner Brewery, Munich (c. 1910)

© Bildarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz