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Hugo Bettauer, "The Erotic Revolution" (1924)
This text appeared on the title page of the first edition of the magazine Er und Sie. Wochenschrift für Lebenskultur und Erotik [He and She. Weekly Magazine for Lifestyle and Eroticism].....
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Berliner Illustrirte Zeitung: "Enough is Enough! Against the Masculinization of Women" (1925)
This article, which was printed in the Berliner Illustrirte Zeitung in March 1925, attacks the appearance of the “New....
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Hans Surén, Excerpts from Man and Sunlight (1925/27)
As a military officer, Hans Surén (1885-1972) was stationed in Namibia during World War I. After the war, he was appointed head of a military school of physical education near Berlin. Beginning in....
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Gabriele Tergit, "Paragraph 218: A Modern Gretchen Tragedy" (1926)
Journalist Gabriele Tergit (whose real name was Elise Hirschmann; 1894-1982) started working as a court reporter for the Berliner Tageblatt in 1925. In this article from November 1926, she....
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Hanns Kropff, "Women as Shoppers" (1926)
Austrian advertising expert Hanns Kropff (1882-1963) had worked for Leonhard Tietz and other large retail concerns before turning to the study and teaching of advertising, on which he published several....
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Fritz Wildung, "Sport is the Will to Culture" (1926)
This text appeared in the Social Democratic journal Kulturwille, which was published from 1924 until 1933 (at which point it was banned by the National Socialists). The journal covered topics....
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Grete Lihotzky, "Rationalization in the Household" (1926-27)
Austrian architect Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky (1897-2000) made design history with her Frankfurt Kitchen.....
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Paula von Reznicek, "The Hand on the Wheel" (1928)
Paula von Reznicek (1895-1976) was an internationally-ranked tennis player, journalist, and writer. In 1928, she published Resurrection....
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Anita, "Sex Appeal: A New Catchword for an Old Thing" (1928)
In the 1920s, German society and culture were greatly influenced by the United States, then the epitome of modernism. The extent of this influence became evident in the numerous Anglicisms introduced....
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Helene Stöcker, "Marriage as a Psychological Problem" (1929)
In 1905, pacifist, women’s rights advocate, and sexual reformer Helene Stöcker (1869-1943) co-founded the Bund für Mutterschutz und Sexualreform [Association for the Protection of Mothers....
1-10 of 17 documents