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OMGUS (Office of Military Government, U.S.) Survey on the Greatest Worries of Germans in the American Zone (1945-49)
In October 1945, the Americans started conducting regular opinion polls in the American occupation zone to collect information on Germans’ moods and views. This table shows how Germans’ cares and....
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OMGUS Survey on the Influence of the United States and the Soviet Union (1946-49)
The U.S. and the Soviet Union emerged from World War II as the world’s superpowers. The vast majority of Germans in the American occupation zone assumed that the U.S., which possessed the atomic....
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OMGUS Survey on the Choice between National Socialism and Communism (1946-49)
The collapse of 1945 made it necessary for Germans to find a new political orientation. Surveys conducted in the American occupation zone in November 1946 showed that two-thirds of those polled rejected....
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OMGUS Survey on Political Views (1945-46)
This survey of political views was taken in the American zone in the winter of 1945-46; among other findings, it shows that a clear majority of respondents – presumably soured by the negative experiences....
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OMGUS Survey on Attitudes toward Religion and the Church (March 8, 1946)
After the war, traditional confessional bonds in Germany began to dissolve slowly. The resettlement of refugees and expellees altered the ratio of Catholics and Protestants in many regions. This....
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OMGUS Survey on German Attitudes toward the Nuremberg Trials (1945-46)
The trial of the major German war criminals before the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg....
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OMGUS Survey on Attitudes toward Expellees (September 13, 1946)
In the first months and years after the war, the need to provide for millions of refugees and expellees....
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OMGUS Survey on Worries and Hardship in Germany (May-October 1946)
Life in Germany in 1946 was still characterized by great material hardship. Surveys conducted in the American zone between May and October 1946 show that food shortages were still the most pressing....
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OMGUS Survey on the Public Response to the Nuremberg Trials (October 9, 1946)
The trial of the major German war criminals before the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg was concluded in the fall of 1946. A poll conducted in the American zone after the verdicts were....
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OMGUS Survey on Anti-Semitism in the American Zone (December 1946)
After years of radical anti-Semitic policies and propaganda by the Nazi regime, many were eager to know whether anti-Semitic attitudes persisted among Germans. A poll conducted in the American zone....
1-10 of 30 documents