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Frau Marion Beyme's Memories of Marburg and Berlin during the Third Reich (Retrospective account dating from the early 1990s)
Historians have long been preoccupied with the social basis of the Nazi regime, especially as it pertained to the implementation of the National Socialists’ most radical social and racial policies.....
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Police President of Hamburg Report on Firestorm (August 1943)
In 1940, British fighter planes had already started bombing military and economic targets on German territory. But it was a series of large-scale air assaults on German cities starting in 1942 that....
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Mathilde Wolff-Mönckeberg’s Letter Describing the Aftermath of the Hamburg Firestorm (August 24, 1943)
In addition to thousands of dead, the Allied air attacks on German cities caused catastrophic supply shortages and created panic among survivors. The following account of the Hamburg....
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Eyewitness Götz Bergander Recalls the Bombing of Dresden (Retrospective Account)
From February 13-15, 1945, British and American warplanes bombed the city of Dresden. This aerial campaign....
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Hitler's "Scorched Earth" Decree (Nero Decree) (March 19, 1945) and Albert Speer's Response (March 29, 1945)
On March 19, 1945, the hopeless state of the war effort prompted Hitler to issue the “Nero Decree,” which called for the complete destruction of Germany’s infrastructure. The approaching enemy would....
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