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Chancellor Helmut Schmidt Outlines His Program for Combating the Second Energy Crisis (July 2, 1979)
On the return flight from an economic summit in Tokyo, Chancellor Helmut Schmidt shared his ideas for combating the renewed increase in oil prices with a journalist.....
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Shortages Complicate Christmas Shopping in East Germany (December 21, 1980)
As this West Berlin journalist reports, continuing supply bottlenecks in the planned economy made Christmas shopping in the GDR a nerve-wracking experience. Widespread shortages belied Communist....
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Unemployment Rates of Diverse Population Groups (1983)
As a result of the first oil price increase, unemployment rates rose steeply at first, and then fell.....
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Chancellor Helmut Kohl Celebrates the Success of the Social Market Economy (October 25, 1989)
Chancellor Helmut Kohl delivered this speech on the 40th anniversary of the introduction of the Social Market Economy. He attributed the system’s historic successes....
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GDR Economics Minister Günter Mittag Explains the Failure of the Planned Economy (1991)
In retrospect, the GDR’s leading economist Günter Mittag blames the collapse of the East German economy on the rigidity of Erich....
11-15 of 15 documents