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Household Income and Expenses (1909)
The statistics presented here show differences in income and consumer behavior among the households of workers, white-collar workers (including teachers), and civil servants. Notice the vast disparity....
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Social Background of German Elites and Members of the Clergy (1800-1919)
Social mobility was an essential component of German economic development. While some successful businessmen came from the middle or lower strata of German society, the great majority came from the....
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Stairways for the "Entitled" [Herrschaften] and the "Un-entitled" [Nichtherrschaften]* (1903)
The following passage suggests the absurd lengths to which the spatial separation of the upper and lower classes was taken in Wilhelmine Germany. The author, a member of the “entitled” class, lambastes....
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Eugen Richter on the German Nobility (1898)
Eugen Richter (1838-1906), a liberal intellectual, writer, and politician, criticizes the advantages of noble titles in German society. He explores the origins of noblemen and questions their contributions....
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The "Feudalization of the Bourgeoisie?" Part I: Mark Twain, A Tramp Abroad (1880)
Mark Twain’s (1835-1910) description of a student duel offers evidence of what historians have often referred to as the “Feudalization of the Bourgeoisie.” This thesis claims that the upwardly mobile....
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The "Feudalization of the Bourgeoisie?" Part II: Heinrich Mann, The Loyal Subject [Der Untertan] (1918)
Set in Wilhelmine Germany, Heinrich Mann’s (1871-1950) novel The Loyal Subject follows the life of Diederich Hessling,....
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Consumerism: Berlin Department Stores (1908)
Leo Colze’s writing on department stores in Berlin captures the transformation of Germany at the turn of the century. Stylized as “uncrowned emperors” of Berlin, Colze sees stores such as Wertheim,....
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The Cinema (1913)
In Germany, the advent of film was met with the same type of response found in England and France. The new medium piqued the interest of the public, yet also garnered critical derision. By creating....
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The Textile Workforce (1882-1925)
Women had long been a part of Germany’s economic development. In the early period of German industrialization, manufacturers utilized female labor in the countryside to avoid the urban guild system.....
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Gender and Occupation in Selected Industries (1895 and 1907)
Occupations were often gender-specific. Male laborers dominated the technical and engineering fields, whereas women were more prominent in the textile and clothing industries. Note how the number....
11-20 of 36 documents