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Constitution [Schwörbrief] of the Imperial City of Strasbourg (1482)
This text is the final revision (valid until 1789) of Strasbourg's fundamental law. It documents the settlement of a common problem in medieval German urban history: the struggle for dominance between....
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Ordinance for the Bakers of Regensburg (June 17, 1588)
The guild, together with the territorial parish and the university, was one of the principal creations of medieval society. It functioned both to regulate wages, production, and sales, and to meet....
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Guild Ordinance for the Slipper-makers of Lüneburg (February 8, 1525)
This ordinance for the slipper-makers of Lüneburg, which lay in the duchy of Brunswick-Lüneburg, represents the midpoint on the spectrum between local autonomy and princely rule. It regulates relations....
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Ordinance for the Dark Dyers and Ironers in Hesse (November 15, 1580)
Where corporate life was weak or non-existent, the regulation of the crafts lay in the hands of a higher authority, usually a prince. This Hessian dark dyers’ and ironers’ ordinance was issued by....
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