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Speech by General Lucius D. Clay at the First Meeting of the Minister Presidents in Stuttgart (October 17, 1945)
In October 1945, General Lucius D. Clay (then deputy American military governor) explained the....
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The Reparations Settlement and Germany's Peacetime Economy: Statement by the U.S. State Department (Press Release of December 12, 1945)
Issued on December 11, 1945, these U.S. State Department guidelines on the question of German reparations and the future place of the country in the global economy make clear that the United States....
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U.S. Military Governor Joseph McNarney’s Statement to the Allied Control Council (July 20, 1946)
Although the Potsdam Conference had agreed that Germany would be treated as a single economic....
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Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom and the United States on the Economic Fusion of their Respective Zones (December 2, 1946)
In the fall of 1946, following protracted negotiations, the United States and Great Britain agreed on the economic unification of their occupation zones. Joint authorities and agencies on the Allied....
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The Western Allies on the Desired Level of Industry in their Zones of Occupation (August 28, 1947)
Among the permanent points of contention between the United States and Great Britain, on the one hand, and the United States and France, on the other, was the rebuilding of German heavy industry....
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Revised Plan for Level of Industry in the Anglo-American Zones (August 29, 1947)
In August 1947, the United States and Great Britain agreed to substantially increase the production capacity of heavy industry and other previously restricted economic sectors in their “Bizone.”....
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The "People’s Car" on New Paths (January 29, 1948)
In 1938, the National Socialists began building a large car manufacturing plant near Wolfsburg. The factory was supposed to produce the affordable “Volkswagen,” or “People’s Car,” for the masses.....
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Extracts from the British Military Government Law No. 61: First Law for Monetary Reform [Currency Law] (June 20, 1948)
The monetary reform agreed upon by the three Western powers for their zones in June 1948 is considered a milestone on the path to West Germany’s economic recovery. Inflation triggered by the war....
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The Right of Codetermination and the Right to Strike: Letter from Konrad Adenauer to Hans Böckler, Chairman of the Confederation of German Trade Unions, and Böckler’s Response (1950)
In a dramatic confrontation over the survival of codetermination in the coal, iron, and steel industry, the Confederation of German Trade Unions [Deutsche Gewerkschaftsbund or DGB] threatened....
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Walter Pahl, Summary of Key Aspects of the Law Governing Codetermination in the Coal and Steel Industry (1951)
Unions celebrated the Bundestag’s affirmation of equal codetermination in the coal, iron, and steel industry in April 1951 as a partial victory. As a result of the decision, work directors [Arbeitsdirektoren]....
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