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Europe as Homeland (Retrospective Account, 2004)
During his chancellorship (1982-1998), Helmut Kohl was known as both a champion of European integration and a loyal native son of the Rhineland-Palatinate. As....
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European Integration and National Interests (1962)
From the outset, the governments of the EC member states had differing views on how far European integration should go. Based on speeches by European statesmen, this summary reveals fundamental differences....
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The International Socialist Division of Labor (June 7, 1962)
Under the leadership of Nikita Khrushchev, head of both the CPSU and the Soviet government, efforts to intensify the economic integration of COMECON....
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Europe Policies at the Center of German Foreign Policy (October 24, 1966)
Walter Hallstein, president of the EC Commission between 1958 and 1967, gave this speech at a time when....
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Great Britain Remains Skeptical of Europe (January 2, 1973)
After France lifted its veto, Great Britain joined the European Community together with Denmark and Ireland on....
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On the Road to Socialist Economic Integration? (1974)
COMECON only adopted a charter in 1959, ten years after its founding. The amendments passed in 1962....
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Franco-German Friendship in the 1970s (retrospective account)
In the following excerpt from his memoirs, former Chancellor Helmut Schmidt emphasizes the joint interests of France and Germany in promoting European integration....
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The European Monetary System (December 6, 1978)
In this speech to the Bundestag, Chancellor Helmut Schmidt, one of the architects of the European Monetary System, explains why the system was established and....
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On the Road to the European Union (November 19, 1981)
This draft of the so-called Single European Act, which Federal Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher introduced to the European Parliament, aimed to revitalize....
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From 10 to 12: Enlarging the European Community to Include Portugal and Spain (December 7, 1984)
In this speech to the Bundestag, Chancellor Helmut Kohl explains why it would be in the national interest to quickly conclude accession negotiations with Spain....
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