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Joseph Goebbels: Two Speeches on the Tasks of the Reich Ministry for Popular Enlightenment and Propaganda (March 15 / March 25, 1933)
After the new Reich Ministry for Popular Enlightenment and Propaganda was established on March 13, 1933, Joseph Goebbels was charged with “coordinating” and controlling the content of the press,....
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Decree by the Ministerial Council for the Defense of the Reich on "Extraordinary Radio Measures" (Dated September 1, 1939; Issued September 7, 1939)
Joseph Goebbels had recognized the power of radio early on, and gaining total control over this new medium thus became a top priority. Therefore, in addition to its low price, the National Socialists’....
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Appeal by the Reich Leader of the German Labor Front, published in the Völkischer Beobachter (November 20, 1939)
In the following except from the party newspaper Völkischer Beobachter, Dr. Robert Ley, the leader....
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Goebbels's New Propaganda Instructions (June 22, 1941)
Goebbels’s ministry had already been steering both the content and the style of German newspapers since 1933, when it started holding daily press....
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"Total War": Excerpt from Goebbels’s Speech at the Sportpalast in Berlin (February 18, 1943)
On February 18, 1943, Joseph Goebbels delivered the most famous speech of his career at the Berlin....
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Goebbels’s Call for Retribution (June 5, 1943)
To preserve the general population’s willingness to fight, Hitler had long resisted total war.....
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SD Report to the Party Chancellery on "Basic Questions Regarding the Mood and Attitude of the German People" (November 29, 1943)
Since the Nazi regime regarded the civilian population’s will to war as the crucial precondition for a final victory, various party and police authorities were involved in monitoring the general....
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