The Morning after the Night of Broken Glass [Kristallnacht] in Zeven: Demolished Almenor from the Synagogue (November 10, 1938)
The National Socialist press presented the November pogrom as a spontaneous popular uprising against the country's Jews. According to press reports, despite their justified anger at Grynszpan’s assassination of vom Rath, Germans behaved in a disciplined way: they did not touch a hair on any Jew's head and, at most, only broke a few shop windows here and there. The international press reacted to the events with a mixture of shock and disbelief, but did not allow itself to be deceived by Nazi propaganda. It was clear that this was a state-sponsored pogrom and that the Nazi regime's anti-Semitic policies would only escalate. Few foreign observers would have been fooled by signs such as this one, which reads: "Revenge for the Murder of vom Rath! Death to the International Jews and Free Masons!" The sign was propped up on the Zeven synagogue's demolished Almenor (the raised rostrum from which the Torah is read).