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The Kaiser Opens the Reichstag (1907)

Wilhelm II opens the new Reichstag in 1907 with a speech celebrating the violent suppression of the rebellion in German Southwest Africa.

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[ . . . ] We have overcome the severe crisis that was unleashed in these protectorates by native rebellions in Southwest and East Africa. The revolt in East Africa has been completely suppressed. Except for a few last remnants, the hostile tribes in Southwest Africa have also been defeated, and it will probably be possible to make substantial reductions in the number of troops stationed there. The Fatherland owes its thanks to the brave men who have upheld the glory of the German military in a difficult struggle of many years against a wily, tenacious opponent. [ . . . ]

Source: Die Reden Kaiser Wilhelms II [The Speeches of Kaiser Wilhelm II], edited by Bogdan Krieger. Vol. 4: 1906-1912. Leipzig n.d. (1913), p. 62.

Translation: Adam Blauhut

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