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German Crop Yields (1848-1852 to 1908-1912)

Industrialization allowed for the concentration of farms and the use of new products such as chemical fertilizers. As a result, farmers were able to produce more crops on the same square kilometer of land, thereby intensifying the productive capacity of the countryside as a whole.

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Development of yields per hectare of wheat, rye, and barley in five-year averages from 1848-1852 to 1908-1912

Statistics compiled from E. Bitterman, Die landwirtschaftliche Produktion in Deutschland 1800-1950 [Agricultural Production in Germany 1800-1950], Kühn-Archive (Faculty of Agriculture, Martin Luther University, Halle-Wittenberg) 70 (1956).

Printed in Hermann Aubin und Wolfgang Zorn, ed., Handbuch der deutschen Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte [Handbook of German Economic and Social History]. Stuttgart, 1971-76, vol. 2, p. 518.

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