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Control Council Law No. 32 on the Employment of Women in Building and Reconstruction Work (July 10, 1946)

As a result of the shortage of male workers and the poor state of the economy, women worked in areas previously reserved for men, even after 1945. Control Council Law No. 32 acknowledged this situation and authorized the employment of women in reconstruction work. “Rubble women” removed debris from destroyed German cities.

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In view of the shortage of able-bodied men in certain parts of Germany, the Control Council enacts as follows:

Article I
The appropriate German authorities may employ, or authorize the employment of female labor in building and reconstruction work, including rubble clearance.

Article II
The provisions of the Ordinance concerning working hours (Arbeitszeitordnung) of 30th April 1938 (RGBl. 1938, I/447) and all enactments inconsistent with this law are repealed or amended in accordance with this law.

Article III
This law shall come into force on the date of publication.

V. Sokolovsky, Marshal of the Soviet Union
Joseph T. McNarney, General
Sholto Douglas, Marshal of Royal Air Force
P. Koenig, General d’Armee


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