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Decline in Unemployment Figures (1991-2009)

Moderate welfare reforms and other factors led to an economic rebound in the middle of the first decade of the 21st century. The resumption of economic growth resulted in a noticeable decline in unemployment figures for both men and women after 2005. Foreign commentators spoke of the German “job wonder.”

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Unemployed Persons in Germany, in Total and Differentiated by Sex – Chronological Overview of Yearly Unemployment Averages, 1991-2009

Black: total unemployed
Red: male unemployed
Blue: female unemployed

Source: “Arbeitslose in Deutschland differenziert nach Geschlecht – Zeitreihe der Jahresdurchschnittwerte 1991-2009”[“Unemployed Persons in Germany, in Total and Differentiated by Sex – Chronological Overview of Yearly Unemployment Averages, 1991-2009”], Statistics compiled by the Federal Employment Agency (May 2010),

Translation: GHDI staff

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