§35. Native Jews who violate the provisions of (§34) are liable to a fine of 300 Reichstaler, or, in case of indigence, the conversion [of the monetary fine] into the appropriate prison sentence provided for by law. Foreign Jews [in violation of §34] must be deported.
§36. Foreign Jews are permitted to enter the country for purposes of transit or the pursuit of sanctioned trade or commerce. Police officials will be provided with special instructions concerning the surveillance procedures to be followed with regard to this matter.
§37. On grounds of the general prohibition against peddling, police measures will also put an end [to the practice] among Jews.
§38. In Königsberg, East Prussia, Breslau, and Frankfurt on the Oder, foreign Jews may, with permission of the authorities, reside for the duration of the [trade] fairs.
§39. The necessary regulations concerning the ecclesiastical condition and the improvement in the education of the Jews shall be considered at a later time. With reference to these matters, men of the Jewish faith who enjoy public confidence because of their knowledge and rectitude shall be consulted for their expert opinion.
Let all Our state officials and subjects observe the above rulings.
Source of German original text: Gesetz-Sammlung für die Königlichen Preußischen Staaten 1812 [Collection of Laws for the Royal Prussian States 1812]. Berlin: Georg Decker [1812], pp 17-22.
Reprinted in Walter Demel and Uwe Puschner, eds., Von der Französischen Revolution bis zum Wiener Kongreß 1789-1815 [From the French Revolution to the Congress of Vienna, 1789-1815], Deutsche Geschichte in Quellen und Darstellung, edited by Rainer A. Müller, Volume 6. Stuttgart: P. Reclam, 1995, pp. 211-16.
Translation: Richard Levy