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Codifying Customary Law – Germersheim (Palatinate) (16th Century)

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[12] Item, if a man of this status dies, the death duty consists of the best head of livestock, which may be commuted to a cash payment.

[13] If a woman of this status dies, the death duty consists of the best garment, which may be commuted to a cash payment.

[14] Item, in case of assessments or travel costs for legal business, these people shall cover the assessment and the travel at reasonable levels, just as other people in the Empire do.

Note: No other burdens shall encumber the liberties, right of free movement, and services of the aforementioned people, so that they shall enjoy at all times these liberties and the right of free movement. It was affirmed and attested ten, twenty, thirty, eighty, or a hundred years and longer ago, that these are and should be the undiminished ancient liberties, traditions, and rights of the King's People and St. Peter's People.

The district and villages of the King's People:

Schaidt, Hatzenbühl, Rülzheim, Hayna, Herxheimweyher, Jockgrim, Rheinzabern, Offenbach, Kuhardt bei Rülzheim, Leimersheim, Pfotz, Mörlheim bei Landau.

The district and villages of St. Peter's People:

Steinfeld, Kapsweyer, Schlettenbach.

Note: In all villages belonging to the prince-bishopric of Speyer and the Abbey of Weissenburg and their lordships, the King's People and St. Peter's People may have their residences and their rights according to the ancient liberties.

Note: It may happen that when subjects or dependents of any ruler or authority whatsoever want to migrate into the district of the King's People and St. Peter's People, and their rulers attempt to diminish or curb their liberties and right of free movement – whether by maintaining their servile status, diminishing their rights, levying death duties, or other obligations and burdens of this sort, in whatever form. In that case, if the subjects decide to move back under their former rulers and resume the services and burdens, the rulers must pay equitable compensation to the aforementioned King's People and St. Peter's People.

Source of original German text: StArch. Speyer, Kurpfalz Urkunden Nr. 966; reprinted in Günther Dickel, ed., Pfälzische Weistümer. Speyer, 1972, pp. 622-25.

Translation: Thomas A. Brady Jr.

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