[19] No one shall damage another’s honor or good reputation with either words or deeds, or he shall be punished as fitting.
[20] Our officials in all localities shall help and require of the guild that these regulations be followed and any fines be collected.
[21] If the guilds wish to establish among themselves other regulations that are not against us, our principality, or our subjects, this right shall be reserved to them.
[22] However, we retain the right for ourselves, our heirs and our successors to freely increase, decrease, or entirely and completely abolish these regulations at our pleasure, always legitimate and without prejudice.
To certify this we have set our privy, princely seal upon this letter, which is given in Cassel, the fifteenth of November, in the Year of Our Lord 1580.
Wilhelm, Landgrave of Hesse
Reinhardus Schefferus, Chancellor
Source of original German text: Edmund Salow, ed., Das Zunftwesen in Kassel bis zum Erlaß der hessischen Zunftordnung von 1693. Lichtenau, 1978, pp. 190-93.
Translation: Ellen Yutzy Glebe