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Prince and Estates – Treaty of Tübingen (1514)

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[17] In criminal cases that concern honor, life, and limb, no one shall be punished or executed except after due legal trial and sentencing, but each shall be treated according to his deserts [added: by the law of this land], except where the Imperial law provides otherwise. Imprisonment and torture shall be administered according to the ancient custom [ . . . ]

[19] If Duke Ulrich and his brother [Duke George] shall die without male heirs, the aforesaid arrangement concerning debts shall be null and void; the aforementioned liberties shall nonetheless remain valid. However, the debts and interest pledged against the principality, plus any others that Duke Ulrich and his brother may leave behind, shall have prior claim to be covered and paid from the principality's incomes.

[20] And Duke Ulrich and after him all of the [subordinate] authorities shall swear to honor the aforesaid liberties in governing their lands, to which end they shall produce signed and sealed documents, in which they oblige themselves on their princely honor to faithfully preserve these liberties, and which shall be handed over to the estates. And until such guarantees are produced, the estates are not obliged to agree to anything or to be obedient.

[21] On the other hand, the parliament shall swear to the aforesaid Duke Ulrich, his heirs, and his successors, in stipulated words [ . . . ]

[23] And Duke Ulrich and the whole parliament shall transmit this treaty as written above and the liberties contained therein to the Roman Imperial Majesty, Our Most Gracious Lord, and shall ask His Majesty with all humility to graciously confirm and approve them—all in correct, authenticated form. [ . . . ]

Source of original German text: Paul Sander and Hans Spangenberg, eds., Urkunden zur Geschichte der Territorialverfassung. Reprint, Stuttgart, 1965, pp. 56-61, no. 176.

Translation: Thomas A. Brady Jr.

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