Thematic Focal Point III: “Prevention of Extremism, Radicalization, and Social Polarization”
- Here, it seems important – as already mentioned – to begin by clearly emphasizing the distinction between “Islam” as a religion and “Islamism/fundamentalism/extremism.” We want to help clarify this.
- It is essential that Muslims continue to make this distinction themselves – also to strengthen the acceptance of Islam as a religion within the majority society. At the same time, we want to promote tolerance toward Muslims in our society.
- In addition, we will have to examine how we can concretely improve the practical, preventive steps we are taking against radicalization and anti-Semitism among Muslims.
- We also want to deal very aggressively with xenophobic patterns of behavior toward Muslims.
One final comment on our working method: I recommend that the preparatory committee meet soon and draw up a list and a schedule for concrete projects and the implementation thereof. Whether separate project groups will be set up or studies will be commissioned to that end should be decided by the preparatory committee. The preparatory committee should also decide whether outside experts should be brought in – permanently or on a project-by-project basis.
My goal is for the Islam Conference to provide the impulse for numerous projects, measures, and initiatives. Incidentally, that is why I will offer a prize for exemplary Islam-related integration projects under the motto “Shaping the future together.”
I look forward to a good collaboration with you. The concrete measures that I believe can be derived from the working program are merely the first steps. I eagerly await your suggestions.
Source of original German speech: “Teilhabe der Muslime in Deutschland verbessern!” [Improving the Participation of Muslims in Germany”], speech by Federal Minister Dr. Thomas de Maizière, MdB [Member of the Bundestag], to the plenum of the German Islam Conference on May 17, 2010, in Berlin, http://www.deutsche-islam,templateId=raw,property=publicationFile.pdf/20100517-Ministerrede.pdf
Translation: Thomas Dunlap