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Lineage, War, Family – Michel von Ehenheim (1462/63-1518)

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In 1511 our daughter, Bertha, was born, she was baptized and lived one year.

In 1513 our daughter, also Bertha, was born, she was baptized in the cathedral at Würzburg. She was born on Wednesday after Laetare Sunday [9 March] at about six o’clock in the morning. The planet of the day was the sun; her godmother, who raised her from the font, was Doratheta Merrein, Michel Merrein’s wife from Kitzingen.

In 1510 our daughter Anna was confirmed at the Dominicans’ in Würzburg, and Zusann of Würzburg, Jorg Moerings’ wife, tied the confirmation sash on her.

In 1515 our son, Iringius, and our daughter, Barbara, were confirmed at the Franciscans’ in Würzburg. Iringius’ sponsor, who tied the confirmation sash on him, was Jorg Seyler, citizen of Würzburg. Barbara’s sponsor was the wife of Philip Mercklein of Würzburg. Hans Kellermann and his wife cleansed the confirmation oil from our son and daughter.

In 1511 we received a daughter, Anastasis, who was baptized at St. Peter’s and lived one year. Thus together we received and bore two sons and six daughters of our bodies. Of these, one son and three daughters died, while one son and three daughters are still living – God keep them ever! May He also be gracious and merciful to us all. Amen!

In 1464 Linhard von Ehenheim zu Wallmerspach, my own father and the father of my siblings, died, may Almighty God be gracious and merciful to his soul. He died on the eve St. Martin’s, the holy bishop’s, Day [10 November].

In 1478, on Saturday after St. Michael’s Day [3 October], Wilhelm von Colnn, my wife’s own father died, may Almighty God be gracious and merciful to his soul and to all the deceased souls of this family.

Item, in 1516 we had a daughter, Dorothea, who lived thirteen weeks.

Source of original German text: Michel von Ehenheim, Die Familienchronik des Ritters Michel von Ehenheim; reprinted in Horst Wenzel, ed., Die Autobiographie des späten Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit, vol. 2, Die Selbstdeutung des Stadtbürgertums. Munich: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 1980, pp. 174-77, 180-82, 184-86.

Translation: Thomas A. Brady Jr.

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