On the question of boundary modifications Herr BRAUER re-affirmed that the Minister Presidents were equally desirous of settling it quickly so that there would be no delay in the application of Document II.
Finally, as concerned the Occupation Statute, the Minister Presidents noted with satisfaction the decision of the Military Governors to take into consideration the German proposals.
In conclusion Herr BRAUER stressed once more that the Ministers President, like the Military Governors, wished the present discussion to reach a satisfactory conclusion as soon as possible in order to end the state of uncertainty.
General KOENIG thanked the Minister Presidents for their statements and on his proposal the meeting was adjourned for 45 minutes in order that the Military Governors might have time to consult.
The meeting adjourned at 15.45 hours.
The meeting continued at 16.30 hours.
General KOENIG, on behalf of his colleagues and of himself, again thanked the Minister Presidents for the opinions expressed by them. He indicated that, since these proposals differed in certain points from the London decisions, the Military Governors were obliged to refer to their respective Governments so that the Governments might examine whether they could consider them.
In reply to Minister President STOCK as to the date of the next meeting, General KOENIG stated that another meeting would be called as soon as the three Allied Governments had made known their points of view.
Minister President STOCK wished then to know what were the points on which the Minister Presidents differed from the London decisions to such an extent that an adjournment for Governmental consultation became necessary.
General KOENIG indicated that the points on which he and his colleagues were obliged to consult their respective Governments were the following:
1. The question of the referendum.
2. The question of the name to be given to the ‘Basic Law’—‘Basic Constitutional Law’.
3. The question of co-ordination in the time of the modifications to be made to the Land boundaries and for the meeting of the Constituent Assembly.