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Poem about the Chernobyl Catastrophe (May 23, 1986)

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Keep calm,
don’t get excited,
wait for the dust to settle:
The nuclear policies cannot be threatened.

Only one of them opens his mouth: Mr. Zimmermann.*
He scolds the Russians,
they have an inhuman information policy,
an irresponsible one,
because they were thinking of nothing but

Keep calm,
don’t get excited,
wait for the dust to settle:
The nuclear policies cannot be threatened.

The chancellor gave instructions from the Far East.
The authorities kept the radiation levels a secret.

Today there are 350 nuclear reactors in operation in about 30 countries.
Two have failed terribly.
One in Harrisburg, one in Chernobyl.

Now even more people will die from cancer.
The genes of many people have since then
been pathologically changed, without their knowing.
There will be even more hardship cases and cripples.
The toxins will remain in the food chain.
We are enriching ourselves.

* Friedrich Zimmermann (CSU) was Federal Minister of the Interior from 1982 to 1989 – trans.

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