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The Moscow Treaty (August 12, 1970)

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Article 4
This treaty between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics shall not affect any bilateral or multilateral treaties and agreements previously concluded by them.

Article 5
This treaty is subject to ratification and shall enter into force on the day of the exchange of certificates of ratification, which shall take place in Bonn.

Having taken place in Moscow
on August 12, 1970, in two originals, each one in the German and Russian languages, in which both texts are equally binding.

For the
Federal Republic of Germany
Willy Brandt
Walter Scheel

For the
Union of Socialist Soviet Republics
Alexei N. Kosygin
Andrei A. Gromyko

Letter on German unification

On the occasion of the conclusion of the treaty, the government of the Federal Republic of Germany presented the following letter to the Soviet foreign ministry:

Dear Mr. Minister,
In connection with today’s signing of the treaty between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics, the government of the Federal Republic of Germany has the honor of declaring that this treaty does not stand in contradiction to the political aim of the Federal Republic of Germany to work toward a state of peace in Europe, in which the German people regain their unity in free self-determination.

Please allow me, Mr. Minister, to give you assurance of my most profound respect.

Walter Scheel

Source: “Der Vertrag vom 12. August 1970” [“The Moscow Treaty of August 12, 1970”], Bulletin (Press and Information Office of the Federal Republic), Bonn, 1970, pp. 13-17.

Translation: Allison Brown

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