The course of the planned border has been specified in accordance with the map of the Nyasa Tanganyika Plateau that was officially drawn up for the British government in 1889.
3. To the west by the line that coincides with the border of the Congo Free State between the mouth of the Kilambo River and the 1st degree of south latitude.
In Southwest Africa, Great Britain's sphere of influence is demarcated thus:
1. To the south by the aforementioned line running from the mouth of the Umba River to the point on the border of the Congo Free State intersected by the 1st degree of south latitude. It includes Mount Mfumbiro.
2. To the north by the line that, beginning on the shore of the northern bank of the Juba River, runs along this bank and traces the border of the area reserved for Italian influence in Gallaland and Abyssinia. It extends to the Egyptian borders.
3. To the west by the Congo Free State and by the western watershed of the Upper Nile Basin.
Article II
To implement the demarcation line as described in the previous article, Germany shall withdraw from its protectorate over Witu in favor of Great Britain. Great Britain agrees to recognize the sovereignty of the Sultan of Witu over the area extending from Kipini to the point opposite the Island of Kweihu defined as the border in 1887.
Furthermore, Germany shall give up its protectorate over the coastal area bordering on Witu and extending to Kismayo. It shall also renounce its claims both to the territories on the mainland north of the Tana River and to the islands of Patta and Manda.
Article III
In Southwest Africa, Germany's sphere of influence is demarcated thus:
1. To the south by the line that commences at the mouth of the Orange River and continues up its northern bank to its intersection point with the 20th degree of east longitude.
2. To the east by the line that commences at the aforementioned point and follows the 20th degree of east longitude to its intersection point with the 22nd degree of south latitude. The line then traces this degree of latitude eastward to its intersection with the 21st degree of east longitude, follows this degree of longitude northward to its intersection with the 18th degree of south latitude, runs along this degree of latitude eastward to its intersection with the Chobe River. Here it descends the thalweg of the main channel until it meets the Zambezi, where it ends.