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The Mobilization of the Countryside: Program of the Agrarian League [Bund der Landwirte] (1912 version)

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9. Promotion of and careful consideration for the interests of the middle class in a manner that is closely linked with the well-being of agriculture, namely the artisan class and the local, respectable merchants; a corresponding consideration for and promotion of the interests of salaried municipal, state, and Reich civil servants, in order to preserve for everyone the many individual middle-class lives that exist among them. The guideline for this must be the demands that have been raised by the representatives of these groups.

Source: Leo Müffelmann, Die wirtschaftlichen Verbände [Economic Associations]. Leipzig, 1912, p. 83 f.

Original German text also reprinted in Hans-Jürgen Puhle, Agrarische Interessenpolitik und preussischer Konservatismus im wilhelminischen Reich (1893-1914). Ein Beitrag zur Analyse des Nationalismus in Deutschland am Beispiel des Bundes der Landwirte und der Deutsch-Konservativen Partei [Agrarian Special Interest Politics and Prussian Conservatism in Wilhelmine Germany (1893-1914). A Contribution to the Analysis of Nationalism in Germany based on the Example of the Agrarian League and the German Conservative Party]. Hannover: Verlag für Literatur u. Zeitgeschehen, 1967, c1966, pp. 315-16.

Translation: Thomas Dunlap

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