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11.   "One Hundred and Fifty per Minute," Berliner Tageblatt (September 4, 1928)
The Berliner Tageblatt was the most influential newspaper in 1920s Berlin, and published left-leaning writers such as Erich....
12.   Action Program of the Independent Social Democratic Party (1919)
A more radical organization than its political cousin, the Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany (USPD) emerged after a left-leaning segment of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD)....
13.   Erich Kästner, "Visitors from the Country" (1930)
Erich Kästner (1899-1974), most famous for his children’s story, Emil and the Detectives, also wrote satirical pieces and published collections of poetry. His politically charged “poetry....
14.   Erich Mendelsohn, "Architecture and Politics" (1928)

15.   Erich Mendelsohn, "The International Harmony in New Architectural Thought, or Dynamics and Function" (excerpts, 1923)
Erich Mendelsohn (1887-1953) was one of Europe’s best-known architects in the 1920s. He was responsible for the design of multiple modernist department....
16.   Erich Mendelsohn, "The Modern Department Store" (1929)
Erich Mendelsohn (1887-1953) was one of Europe’s best-known architects in the 1920s. He was responsible for the design of multiple modernist department....
17.   Franz Hessel, "I Choose 'Cheese'" (1920s)
Franz Hessel (1880-1941) was an editor and translator at Rowohlt Verlag, and published feuilleton pieces in the periodical Literarische Welt and elsewhere. He styled himself as a Berlin version....
18.   Gershom Scholem on the Science of Judaism [Wissenschaft des Judentums] (Retrospective Account, 1977)
A major goal of the nineteenth-century founders of the science of Judaism [Wissenschaft des Judentums] was to demonstrate Judaism’s great cultural significance and to promote Jewish emancipation,....
19.   Gershom Scholem on Zionism (July 30, 1921)
Zionism assumed various forms in Germany, with different groups and individuals emphasizing political, cultural, religious (the Mizrachi movement), or practical Zionism. Additionally, Germany hosted....
20.   Guidelines of the German Center Party (1922)
A founding member of the “Weimar Coalition,” the Catholic Center....
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