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61.   Eisenach Declaration of the National Association (1859)
In its founding declaration from August 14, 1859, the National Association emphatically calls for a "small German" solution to the question of national unification under Prussian leadership. Founded....
62.   Excerpts from a Clinical Report and Autopsy by Professor Traube on a Patient with Lung Disease caused by Coal Dust (1860)
The excerpts from the clinical report and autopsy performed in 1860 by Professor Ludwig Traube (1818-1876) of Berlin's Charité Hospital on a 54-year-old working-class patient suffering from lung....
63.   The National Association on a German Constitution (1860)
The declaration of the National Association on the question of a German constitution (from September 4, 1860) clarifies the Association's view that a German nation-state was only possible on the....
64.   Helmuth von Moltke: Memorandum on the Effect of Improvements in Firearms on Battlefield Tactics (1861)
In this memorandum from 1861, Helmuth von Moltke (1800-1891), the first Chief of the Prussian General....
65.   The Liberals: Founding Program of the German Progressive Party (June 9, 1861)
The program of the German Progressive Party, founded in Prussia in 1861, outlines the basic principles of liberal politics, emphasizing German national unity and rule of law, including an independent....
66.   Excerpt from Bismarck's "Blood and Iron" Speech (1862)
Prussian Prime Minister Otto von Bismarck (1815-1898) delivered his famous "Blood and Iron" speech....
67.   Hermann von Helmholtz: Excerpts from a Speech Given on the Occasion of his Appointment as Pro-Rector at the University of Heidelberg (1862)
Opposing Hegel's ideal of a philosophical unity of knowledge, the physicist Hermann von Helmholtz....
68.   Petition by the Citizens of Ulm (October 1862); Report from Bavaria's Central Office for Industry and Commerce (January 1863)
This petition by citizens of Ulm in 1862-1863 exemplifies growing complaints about pollution from neighboring industries, whose furnaces were increasingly operated with highly polluting hard coal.....
69.   Program of the German Reform Association (1862)
The pro-Austrian German Reform Association was founded in October 1862 in Frankfurt. In contrast to the National....
70.   Resolution of the Katholikentag in Aachen (1862)
The declaration of the Katholikentag (General Assembly of Catholics) from September 10, 1862, addresses concerns that the exclusion of Catholic Austria from a German nation-state would leave....
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