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41-50 of 81 documents < previous  |  next > 
41.   Women’s Activism in the Revolution of 1848/49: Appeal of the Married Women and Maidens of Württemberg to the Soldiers of Germany (1849)
In 1849, counter-revolutionary government troops fought against their fellow citizens, violently suppressing the revolution in Germany. In this appeal to "German warriors," the women of Württemberg....
42.   David Hansemann to Prussian Interior Minister Ernst von Bodelschwingh (March 1, 1848)
With revolution spreading in France and about to reach Germany, David Justus Ludwig Hansemann (1790-1864),....
43.   The Democrats: Gustav von Struve: Motion in the German Pre-Parliament (March 31, 1848)
In his motion in the German pre-parliament from March 31, 1848, the radical democrat and revolutionary ....
44.   Women's Activism in the Revolution of 1848/49: Louise Otto's Statement of Principles in the First Issue of the Women’s Newspaper (April 21, 1849)
In this statement of principles published in the first issue of Women's Newspaper [Frauen-Zeitung] (1849), ....
45.   The Catholics: General Assembly of the Catholic Associations of the Rhineland and Westphalia (1849)
The general assembly of the Catholic associations of the Rhineland and Westphalia was held from April 17-20, 1849. The assembly discussed whether Catholic associations should devote themselves solely....
46.   Conservative Denunciation of Occupational Freedom as the Result of an Interfering State Bureaucracy (1851)
In this passage from his influential book Civil Society (1851), the conservative folklorist Wilhelm Heinrich Riehl (1823-1897) describes occupational freedom as an instrument of government....
47.   Early German Feminist Criticism of Marriage: Louise Otto, "Marriage in the Countryside" (1851)
In the 1851 article "Marriage in the Countryside," published in her own Women's Newspaper [Frauen-Zeitung], ....
48.   Wilhelm Heinrich Riehl on Novels about Peasants and Real Peasants (1851)
In the following excerpt, folklorist Wilhelm Heinrich Riehl (1832-1897) observes a conspicuous preoccupation with peasants in recent novels and asks whether bourgeois writers from educated circles....
49.   Wilhelm Heinrich Riehl on Peasant Particularism: Excerpt from Civil Society (1851)
In this selection from Civil Society [Die bürgerliche Gesellschaft ] (1851), Wilhelm Heinrich Riehl vividly describes the persistence of regional....
50.   Wilhelm Heinrich Riehl: Excerpt from Land and People (1851)
In this passage from Land and People (1851), Wilhelm Heinrich Riehl postulates that Germany is comprised of three regions marked by differences in the relationship between city and countryside.....
41-50 of 81 documents < previous  |  next >