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81.   Unification makes Progress (October 2, 1995)
In an editorial in the Berlin daily Der Tagesspiegel, journalist Hermann Rudolph reminds readers that the unification process was making progress despite all of the difficulties involved.....
82.   Peacekeeping Mission in Croatia: The Bundestag Resolves to Send Bundeswehr Units (December 6, 1995)
After the signing of the Dayton Peace Accords, the Bundestag approved, by a large majority, the deployment of 4,000 Bundeswehr soldiers in support of the international peacekeeping mission. Excerpts....
83.   GDR Nostalgia (1996)
In the mid-1990s, an alleged GDR nostalgia made headlines in the German news media. In the following....
84.   The Pension Problem (February 13, 1996)
The author, a regional social court judge, reflects upon the generational contract that was forged in the 1950s and criticizes its political implementation. Forty years later, he says, the privileged....
85.   The Significance of European Integration (February 2, 1996)
In the following speech, Chancellor Helmut Kohl emphasized the important role that European integration would play in the 21st century. He referred to European....
86.   Author Daniela Dahn Announces a New East German Self-Confidence (September 21, 1996)
With considerable bitterness, author Daniela Dahn comments on the disappointments of unification,....
87.   Living Conditions in the New Federal States (January 1997)
Four years after unification, the results of a study on inequality and social policies in the former GDR showed considerable differences between the old and new federal states. Developments in the....
88.   The Beginnings of Parliamentary Work (January 17/24, 1997)
During the first legislative session of the Brandenburg Landtag [state parliament], the newly elected deputies were confronted with considerable challenges. A wealth of laws and a new constitution....
89.   German Trade Unions Oppose the Dismantling of the Welfare State (March 5, 1997)
In this action program, the Confederation of German Trade Unions [Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund or DGB] called for reducing unemployment and increasing social justice through deficit spending,....
90.   President Roman Herzog Calls for a Renewal of Confidence (April 26, 1997)
In a much commented upon speech, Federal President Roman....
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