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21.   Helmut Kohl's Ten-Point Plan for German Unity (November 28, 1989)
West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl surprises the public by presenting the Bundestag with a multi-step plan for unification with a democratizing GDR. The first....
22.   U.S. President George Herbert Walker Bush’s Conditions for Unification (December 4, 1989)
Elated by the impending collapse of communism in Europe, U.S. President George Herbert Walker Bush speaks to NATO leaders in Brussels. He expresses firm support....
23.   Mikhail Gorbachev’s Concerns about Reunification (December 5, 1989)
Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, upset by the prospect of losing his East German client state and seeing his Eastern European empire crumble, berates West German....
24.   Goals of the Central Round Table (December 7, 1989)
The Central Round Table [Zentrale Runde Tisch] was founded in East Berlin on December 7, 1989. It was a forum in which members of crumbling Communist organizations (e.g., the Socialist Unity....
25.   SED/PDS Resolution for a New GDR (December 17, 1989)
In an attempt to salvage its waning power, the discredited SED renamed itself the “Party of Democratic Socialism” (PDS) at a special party congress dedicated to preserving the independence of the....
26.   Helmut Kohl’s Welcome in Dresden (December 19, 1989)
Helmut Kohl recalls the warm welcome he received from the people of Dresden during a decisive visit in December 1989 and recounts the speech he delivered in front....
27.   Appeal to Preserve Legal First-Trimester Abortions in Unified Germany (1990)
Author Monika Maron left the GDR in 1988 and resettled in the Federal Republic. Many of her writings reveal her ongoing engagement with her homeland. This essay....
28.   The Collapse of the GDR Economy (January 11, 1990)
In early 1990, the communist newspaper Neues Deutschland finally admitted the impending collapse of the planned economy. The following article attributes the impasse to specific policy mistakes....
29.   Resentment against the Support for East German Refugees (January 22, 1990)
The generous material aid given to a seemingly endless stream of GDR refugees, combined with the strain caused by ethnic German remigrants and asylum seekers, created widespread popular resentment,....
30.   Willy Brandt on the International Implications of Unification (February 5, 1990)
In this wide-ranging interview, former chancellor and honorary SPD chairman Willy Brandt discusses the international and domestic implications of Gorbachev’s....
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