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161.   An East German Journalist Criticizes the Lack of German Unity (August 25, 2005)
Looking back on fifteen years of unification efforts, journalist Jens Bisky, son of PDS chief Lothar....
162.   Party Landscape in the East (August 31, 2005)
With the Left Party/PDS expected to perform well in the upcoming Bundestag elections, the writer reminds his readers that 70 percent of voters in the new Länder would still be casting their....
163.   The Agenda of the Grand Coalition (November 2005)
Coalition agreements have existed since 1949, but they have only been made public in the past few decades. The coalition agreement between the CDU/CSU and the SPD was signed in November 2005. The....
164.   The Long Road to Gender Equality (November 2005)
The Gender Data Report, which was commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Family, Senior Citizens, Women, and Youth, begins by describing progress made on the road to gender equality. It also identifies....
165.   The Schröder Era: Progress in Domestic Policy but Foreign Policy Doubts (November 17, 2005)
Liberal historian Hans-Ulrich Wehler takes stock of the Schröder chancellorship. According to Wehler, his government undertook many important domestic policy....
166.   The Impact of a Grand Coalition on Political Events (November 22, 2005)
Shortly before the Grand Coalition took power, political scientist Franz Walter talked about how a Grand Coalition functioned and described its potential impact on the political system. He was responding....
167.   "Coalition of New Possibilities" (November 30, 2005)
In her first policy statement, Angela Merkel addresses the most important political challenges facing Germany. She is optimistic that they can be tackled constructively.....
168.   Population Decline and the Future of Germany (December 7, 2005)
Federal President Horst Köhler talks about recent demographic prognoses and their long-term impact on Germany. He asks people to take a more active role in shaping....
169.   Europe as a Community of Shared Values (December 28, 2005)
According to historian Heinrich August Winkler, intensifying European integration meant more than just reforming institutions and decision-making processes. Advancing “Project Europe” also meant....
170.   Decline in Births and the Aging of the Population (1950-2006)
This table, which first shows the number of live births and deaths per 1,000 residents in all of Germany, and then shows the figures for West and East Germany, makes it clear that Germany has experienced....
161-170 of 211 documents < previous  |  next >