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111.   European Federation (May 12, 2000)
In a speech that met with great acclaim both at home and abroad, Joschka Fischer discussed Europe’s future shape as a “staunch European and German parliamentarian”....
112.   Federal President Johannes Rau Calls for Greater Tolerance toward Immigrants (May 12, 2000)
In a moving speech, Federal President Johannes Rau asks the German public to show more tolerance toward immigrants, whom he describes as an asset to society.....
113.   The Red-Green Government Lowers Income Taxes (July 15, 2000)
A journalist discusses the complicated parliamentary maneuvering that Chancellor Schröder employed to pass an income tax cut. He also discusses some of the....
114.   The Young Generation in the East (October 5, 2000)
The collapse of the Communist regime and reunification brought enormous changes for the citizens of the former GDR. This report by a twenty-eight-year-old man from Dresden examines how young people....
115.   Reflections on the Demand for a German Lead Culture [Leitkultur] (November 4, 2000)
Author and journalist Mark Tekessidis reflects on the notion of a lead culture [Leitkultur]. He argues that the actual supporters of a German lead culture would probably be hard pressed to....
116.   Marriage NO, Civil Union YES (2001)
Despite vehement protest from the CDU/CSU, and against the vote of the FDP, the Red-Green coalition pushed through a law that aimed to end discrimination against same-sex couples. The protection....
117.   A City Planner Describes the New Government Quarter in Berlin (2001)
City planner Günter Schlusche describes the impact of various federal building projects on Berlin’s urban and architectural landscape. He is interested in the symbolism of high-profile government....
118.   Full Solidarity with the United States (September 12, 2001)
A day after the terrorist attacks on the United States, German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder assured U.S. President George W.....
119.   The Journalist Josef Joffe Reflects on Sources of German Pride (2001)
Based on his vast international experience, journalist Josef Joffe comments on the predictable polarization of the public over the question of whether Germans ought to be proud of their country.....
120.   Farewell to the Deutschmark (December 31, 2001)
With the introduction of the Euro, Berlin baker Jürgen Buhrmeister witnessed his fourth currency conversion: he had seen the German currency....
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