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91.   OMGUS Survey on Attitudes toward General Economic Conditions (January 15, 1947)
In November 1946, about half of those surveyed anticipated an economic upswing in the American occupation zone and in the British and American sectors of Berlin within six months. Likewise, about....
92.   "What You Won't Read in Baedeker. A Short Travel Guide through the Eastern Zone" (1947)
A journalist visited distressed cities and regions in the Eastern Zone and compared the grim realities he encountered in 1947 with the images presented in the celebrated Baedeker travel guides of....
93.   The Ahlen Program of the CDU (February 1947)
Issued in February 1947, the Ahlen Program of the CDU in the British occupation zone was openly critical of the capitalist economic system. With its support for economic planning and guidance, the....
94.   OMGUS Survey on German Attitudes toward Corporal Punishment (no date)
After the war, opinion surveys in the American zone not only sought to examine current political and economic questions but also tried to gather information on the German “national character.” Investigating....
95.   The Tägliche Rundschau on the Equalization of Burdens (February 15, 1947)
The destruction and losses of World War II did not affect the German population equally. Millions of people who had been bombed out of their homes and refugees who had lost everything lived alongside....
96.   Excerpt from the Constitution of the State of Baden (May 18, 1947)
Since culture and education were traditionally within the purview of the states and were not centrally regulated, the individual states had leeway in shaping the legislation governing their school....
97.   OMGUS Survey on German Opinion toward the Prospective Peace Treaty (June 1947)
In June 1947, the vast majority of Germans still hoped for the speedy conclusion of a peace treaty, despite the recent failure of the foreign ministers’ conference in Moscow, where the Allies had....
98.   OMGUS Survey of German Opinions on the Organization of Europe (August 1947)
It became evident as early as August 1947 that Germany would only be able to attain greater economic and political sovereignty within the framework of new European structures. Thus, the organization....
99.   The Western Allies on the Desired Level of Industry in their Zones of Occupation (August 28, 1947)
Among the permanent points of contention between the United States and Great Britain, on the one hand, and the United States and France, on the other, was the rebuilding of German heavy industry....
100.   Revised Plan for Level of Industry in the Anglo-American Zones (August 29, 1947)
In August 1947, the United States and Great Britain agreed to substantially increase the production capacity of heavy industry and other previously restricted economic sectors in their “Bizone.”....
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