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81-90 of 292 documents < previous  |  next > 
81.   Confiscation of Living Space by the British Occupying Power (1947)
In the face of supply difficulties and a dramatic housing shortage, the confiscation of living space, goods, and services by the Allied military governments was a source of conflict. In the heavily....
82.   From the City of Aachen’s Social Report on Family Housing (1947)
Concrete examples from the West German city of Aachen attest to the catastrophic living conditions that still prevailed even two years after the end of the war. Apartment buildings were dilapidated,....
83.   Karl Hauff: Memorandum on the Condition of Victims of Political, Racial, and Religious Persecution by the Nazi Regime (1947)
In the immediate postwar period, the public was receptive to demands for restitution for Nazi victims. Over time, however, the public grew increasingly critical of victim compensation payments that....
84.   OMGUS Survey of Trends in Attitudes toward National Socialism (1945-47)
Despite the lost World War and the spread of information on Nazi crimes, about half of the Germans in the American occupation zone between 1945 and 1947 clung to the National Socialist program and....
85.   OMGUS Survey on Attitudes toward the Food Situation (1946-47)
In the first two years after the end of the war, the food shortage was the main problem for most Germans. The Allies helped to ease the situation with substantial food shipments, which supplemented....
86.   OMGUS Survey on Public Attitudes toward Denazification (1946-47)
Before the end of the war, the Allies had already decided on the “denazification” of the Germans, and they reaffirmed this decision at the Potsdam....
87.   Order Regarding Measures to Increase Labor Productivity and to Further Improve the Material Situation of the Workers and Salaried Employees in Industry and the Transportation Sector (1947)
In view of the considerable economic problems in the Eastern zone, the Soviet Military Administration in Germany (SMAD) demanded greater labor productivity and improved work discipline. This was....
88.   The Economic State of Families, Examples from Berlin (1946/47)
Berlin was a prime example of the poor economic state of the Germans in the winter of 1946/47. Only half of the families surveyed had an income from work that allowed them to procure at least the....
89.   The Situation of Young People in Aachen (1947)
The harsh living conditions in postwar Germany had an especially negative effect on children and young people. As this 1947 report from the city of Aachen attests, a lack of food and care, irregular....
90.   Residents of the Kabel Neighborhood of Hagen to the State Government of North Rhine-Westphalia: Request for the Vacation of Residences Confiscated for Displaced Persons (January 2, 1947)
At the beginning of 1947, the residents of the Kabel neighborhood of Hagen approached the state government of North Rhine-Westphalia and demanded the return of the residences and gardens that had....
81-90 of 292 documents < previous  |  next >