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71.   Magdalene Gutenberg, Speech at a Gynecologists' Conference on the Termination of a Pregnancy after a Crime of Violence (October 5-6, 1946)
The mass rape of German women at the end of the war, especially by Soviet soldiers, the problems of establishing families in a shattered society, and the political and economic pressure on women....
72.   OMGUS Survey on the Public Response to the Nuremberg Trials (October 9, 1946)
The trial of the major German war criminals before the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg was concluded in the fall of 1946. A poll conducted in the American zone after the verdicts were....
73.   Control Council Directive No. 38 (October 12, 1946)
Control Council Directive No. 38 of October 1946 gave concrete form to the denazification called for in the Potsdam....
74.   The German Youth Ring: Programmatic Leaflet (November 19, 1946)
Founded in November 1946, the German Youth Ring [Deutsche Jugendring] aimed to counter the political disorientation of German youth in the postwar period. With its educational work and leisure-time....
75.   OMGUS Survey on Anti-Semitism in the American Zone (December 1946)
After years of radical anti-Semitic policies and propaganda by the Nazi regime, many were eager to know whether anti-Semitic attitudes persisted among Germans. A poll conducted in the American zone....
76.   OMGUS Survey on Attitudes toward Collective Guilt (December 1946)
According to a poll in the American zone, at the end of 1946 a majority of Germans were willing to accept responsibility for the crimes of the Nazi regime or to acknowledge their shared responsibility.....
77.   Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom and the United States on the Economic Fusion of their Respective Zones (December 2, 1946)
In the fall of 1946, following protracted negotiations, the United States and Great Britain agreed on the economic unification of their occupation zones. Joint authorities and agencies on the Allied....
78.   The City Director of Haltern on the Housing of Displaced Persons (December 16, 1946)
Under Allied policy, foreign refugees and expellees were housed in camps on German soil but were not subject to the German authorities. This led to tensions. At the end of 1946, the city director....
79.   "What Do I Need to Know about Soli Packages?" (1947)
Packages with donated goods from abroad played an important role in alleviating hardship in postwar Germany. CARE packages from the private American aid organization CARE (Cooperative for American....
80.   August Mayer, President of the Tracing Service for Missing Germans: People’s Solidarity and the Tracing Service (1947)
In the Western occupation zones, the search for missing persons was carried out by the German Red Cross; in the Soviet zone, the search was led by the “Tracing Service for Missing Germans” [Suchdienst....
71-80 of 292 documents < previous  |  next >