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51.   The District Court [Amtsgericht] of Meiningen: Decision about the Termination of a Pregnancy Following a Rape (January 9, 1946)
Beginning in August 1945, abortion after a rape was permitted in the Soviet occupation zone. However, it was often difficult to determine whether a pregnancy was in fact the result of a rape. In....
52.   Anton Ackermann, the "German Path to Socialism" (February 1946)
As early as July 14, 1945, the four newly established parties in the Soviet occupation zone (KPD, SPD, CDU, LDPD) joined to form a “block of anti-Fascist, democratic parties.” In the fall of 1945,....
53.   Hermann Hesse, Letter to a Young German (1946)
In 1946, writer Hermann Hesse, who had been living in Switzerland since 1919, and who had been critical of National Socialism after 1933, lamented the lack of insight and the self-righteousness of....
54.   Programmatic Guidelines for the Free Democratic Party (February 4, 1946)
The revival of political liberalism, which had largely collapsed during the final phase of the Weimar Republic, made itself felt in Germany after 1945, rounding out a party spectrum that also included....
55.   Founding Resolution of the Free German Youth [Freie Deutsche Jugend] (February 26, 1946)
On February 26, 1946, some members of the Central Youth Committee for the Soviet occupation zone of Germany expressed their desire to found the Free German Youth [Freie Deutsche Jugend or....
56.   Luise Rinser: Response to Hermann Hesse (1946)
The writer Luise Rinser had lost her husband in the war and had been arrested in 1944 following a denunciation. At the beginning of the war, however, she had published texts sympathetic toward National....
57.   OMGUS Survey on Attitudes toward Religion and the Church (March 8, 1946)
After the war, traditional confessional bonds in Germany began to dissolve slowly. The resettlement of refugees and expellees altered the ratio of Catholics and Protestants in many regions. This....
58.   Introduction to the First Issue of Frankfurter Hefte (April 1946)
A year after the end of the war, sociologist and political scientist Eugen Kogon and journalist Walter Dirks founded the journal Frankfurter Hefte. In the late 1940s and 1950s, Frankfurter....
59.   Principles and Aims of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany (April 21, 1946)
On April 21-22, 1946, the KPD and the SPD in the Soviet occupation zone merged to form the Socialist....
60.   Alfred Döblin on the German Population (1946)
Writer Alfred Döblin left Germany in 1933, emigrating first to Switzerland, then to France (where he was granted citizenship in 1936), and finally to the U.S. In November 1945, he returned to Germany....
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