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41-50 of 292 documents < previous  |  next > 
41.   The Reparations Settlement and Germany's Peacetime Economy: Statement by the U.S. State Department (Press Release of December 12, 1945)
Issued on December 11, 1945, these U.S. State Department guidelines on the question of German reparations and the future place of the country in the global economy make clear that the United States....
42.   Report by the Central Administration for German Resettlers [Umsiedler] in the Soviet Occupation Area (December 23, 1945)
In the months immediately after the end of the war, it was not yet possible to establish a central infrastructure to deal with the flood of refugees from the former German territories of Eastern....
43.   Annual Report of the Work of the Office for Resettlers within the Provincial Administration of Brandenburg (End of 1946)
It was only after the start of 1946 that authorities in the Soviet occupation zone were able to receive, attend to, and redistribute refugees and resettlers from the former German territories in....
44.   From the Report of a Housing Allocator in Bielefeld: Problems in the Resettlement of Refugees from Camps to Confiscated Housing (1946)
One of the greatest social problems in postwar Germany was providing the population with housing. The German authorities assigned refugees to excess rooms in undestroyed apartments and houses. As....
45.   OMGUS Survey on the Choice between National Socialism and Communism (1946-49)
The collapse of 1945 made it necessary for Germans to find a new political orientation. Surveys conducted in the American occupation zone in November 1946 showed that two-thirds of those polled rejected....
46.   OMGUS Survey on the Influence of the United States and the Soviet Union (1946-49)
The U.S. and the Soviet Union emerged from World War II as the world’s superpowers. The vast majority of Germans in the American occupation zone assumed that the U.S., which possessed the atomic....
47.   The Health Office of the City of Düsseldorf on General Health Conditions (1946)
The harsh living conditions in the postwar period, especially in large German cities, had very negative effects on the health of the population. The diet of infants and children was terrible across....
48.   Walther von Hollander on the Breakdown of Marriages, Separation, Divorce (1946)
For most Germans, the immediate postwar period was marked by profound material hardship, which was often made worse by the breakdown of personal relationships, as evidenced by the spike in the divorce....
49.   Walther von Hollander, Women’s Issues – Women’s Worries (1946)
The upheavals of World War II and the immediate postwar period disrupted traditional gender roles and expectations in manifold ways. In 1946, columnist and radio host Walter von Hollander reported....
50.   Wilhelm Pieck, "To the Returnees" (1946)
The Soviet Union supported the SED through numerous measures – one of which was the release of some German prisoners of war into the Soviet occupation zone beginning in July 1946. In his words of....
41-50 of 292 documents < previous  |  next >